Sthiti of an Anadimukta

What does an Anadimukta mean?
One who is entirely pushottamroop with Shriji Maharaj's Murti, continuously resides in the Murti and experiences the divine bliss of Murti is known as an Anadimukta. There is not only one Anadimukta but rather infinite Anadimuktas.
Anadimukta is the ultimate and topmost stage who is entitled to the ultimate and everlasting divine bliss of Lord Swaminarayan's Murti.
Who is an Anadimukta?
All sants and devotees in Karan Satsang who have a firm conviction of supreme nishtha of Lord Swaminarayan, strictly abide by the five commandments and have acquired the latak of Anadimukta are all Anadimukta by acquisition. However, they have not yet attained the sthiti of an Anadimukta.
Why should one become an Anadimukta?
The form of Supreme Lord Swaminarayan is the most divine and with a distinct form; whereas the soul is formless and shapeless. If the soul wishes to avail the bliss of Murti, it has to undergo metamorphosis from its shapeless form into an ever finite form like that of Murti. The status of an Anadimukta is the topmost status to attain and experience the bliss of Murti. Thus, one must become an Anadimukta in order to experience the divine bliss of Shreeji Maharaj and attain ultimate salvation.
- It is mandatory to develop a divine bond with a satpurush and earn His happiness to attain the stithi of an Anadimukta. However, a Satpurush is not God. Satpurushes are numerous whereas there is only one Sanatan Bhagwan; Lord Swaminarayan. The three avarbhav's titles; Dhyan (Meditation), Bhajan (worship) and Upasana (acknowledging supremacy) and three Parbhav's titles; Swami (God), Daata (Power grantor) and Niyanta (Ruler) are all used only and only for Bhagwan Swaminarayan.
- Innumerable Anadimuktas continuously reside in Murti for infinite eons and take the divine bliss of Murti, yet the bliss does not subside by even a single drop.
- Comparing infinite param ekantik muktas, who are purshottamroop in one aspect and infinite Anadimuktas, who are purshottamroop in every aspect (entirely); the bliss experienced by Param ekantik muktas is like a single drop and that experienced by Anadimuktas is like an ocean.
- We must consolidate the following blessing in our life, "Shriji Maharaj has transformed my soul into an Anadimukta and has surely, surely, surely placed me in His divine bliss. The sun, moon, even infinite universes may move but we must not deviate from this understanding."
- The first step is avarbhav's conviction (nischay) and the second step is parbhav's conviction (nischay). Avarbhav's nischay means consolidation of Shriji Maharaj's true form and Parbhav's nischay means attaining the stithi of an Anadimukta.
- It is compulsory to attain sthiti after attaining the status of an Anadimukta. "I am an Anadimukta" – when one practices pratilom meditation with this understanding Shriji Maharaj is pleased and grants them the sthiti of an Anadimukta.